Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Anti Porn Detection Stick

I have a porn detection stick, every time I see porn it gets Big, but in Utah (It had to be Utah) they are developing a USB stick that detects porn on a hard drive. Not just one, but two companies in Utah are trying to make sure men all over go limp.

The first stick is described as “a thumb drive device that will search through all the images on your computer, scan them for pornographic content, and create a report of suspected pornographic images. It even scans deleted images so there's no hiding Internet activity.”

The second call porn stick “is a $100 thumb drive stuffed with Windows-compatible image detection software. Give it an hour and a half, and the device can scan 70,000 images—even deleted ones—with algorithms that analyze ‘facial features, flesh tone colors, image back grounds, body part shapes, and more.’”

The Porn stick does not spider video files or the web, but the company says it does have a false positive rate of less than 1 percent.

All I have to say is "Hello First Amendment Rights".

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