Saturday, November 3, 2012

Matthew Rush in Borat Sling

Matthew is looking sexy for Halloween in his bright green Borat Sling on GuyswithiPhones.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Paul Lynde Halloween Special (1976)

The ultimate Halloween Variety show with the original Queen, Paul Lynde, also Wicked Witch of the West, Kiss and Witchiepoo.

Free Twinkula - Staxus Preview

Count Twinkula is on the prowl for hard teen cock and hot twink loads. The police are hot on his heels... how many loads will he drain before he is staked?

Watch Full HD movie now in Adonis Enterprises

Monday, October 29, 2012

Treasure Island Media Signs Drew Sebastian as Exclusive

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AussieBum New Wrestling Swimwear Commercial

aussieBum has just revealed a new commercial for the world’s first wrestling swimwear. That’s right – swimwear that can be worn like a traditional singlet or with the shoulder straps down around the waist.

Best Holiday of the Year - GoGo Dancers Appereciation Day

In case you missed it, and didn't get to your Hallmark store, Sunday was West Hollywood's 2nd annual GoGo Dancers Appreciation Day. A competition from the hottest boys in Weho with judges Michelle Visage of RuPaul and Gay Pimp Jonny McGovern. Check out some of the dancers yourself.