A new study from Match.com tells us what most of us already knew. They surveyed Canadian singles and found that people who use Android phones are more likely to have sex on the first date, in other words, they're sluts.
However, and this is really important to keep in mind, people who use the other phones are only slightly less slutty than those who prefer the Android.
Not only are Android users easy, but they are also less inclined to commit. “At 55 per cent, Android users also were the most likely to have one-night stands,” the article continued. “According to the survey results, 50 per cent of iPhone users have had a one-night stand and 47.6 per cent of Blackberry users said also they had had a one-night stand.”
But Android users did not come in first in all categories. Survey results found that iPhone owners “were most likely to date a co-worker, with nearly a quarter of such singles saying they've had a workplace romance within the last five years,” and that “BlackBerry users—at 72 percent—were the most likely to drink alcohol on a first date.”