It’s called "S+M: An Exploration of Sadomasochistic Art" and opened on Feb. 14 at Antebellum Gallery in Hollywood Ca. Gallery . owner Rick Castro said he hoped attendees would gain an appreciation of fetish as art and a better understanding of the history of S&M and how it has always been a part of human sexuality.
"What better day to explore the pleasure of pain than on the day of love?" he said. "The opening was a smashing success that would've made De Sade proud."
Artists in attendance included Tony Ward, Adam Kozik, Mitchel Evans, Dillinger, Domasan, AJ Epstein, David G. Crocker, Juan Martin del Campo Jr., Allen Hatch, Don Tinling and Bryan Barnes.
Epstein has a long history in the fetish and adult film world, including work that was exhibited by gay iconographer Tom of Finland. His work also included still-shot photography for classic Joe Gage films such as Kansas City Trucking Company, El Paso Wrecking Crew and Closet Set.
"[Joe Gage] reminded me that I designed the poster, the advertising and even designed the signs on the sides of the trucks for Kansas City," he told ANB. "I also was art director and boyfriend of Fred Halsted, another porn classic, and was involved with Colt Tucker, both romantically and creatively."
Several images of Tucker were on display in the "S+M" exhibit.
"This is the first time I have shown many of these images in many years," Epstein said. "I think the public has finally caught up with my art."