Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Gay Panic Defense Works in Nassau

A 25-year-old man in the Bahamas walked free from court last week after claiming a man he murdered made a sexual advance towards him

The Nassau Guardian reported that defense lawyer Dorsey McPhee told jurors his client was "defending his manhood. This man deserves to go home to be with his family. The death, we are saying, was justified.

The case is an example of the "gay panic defense," which allows a person charged with murder to claim that they were driven into a state of violent temporary insanity by a sexual advance from the victim.

The Bahamas is one of fourteen British Overseas Territories which are under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom, but not considered part of the UK itself.

Everyone should think twice where they spend their “Gay Dollars “, that nervous eye twitch might get you killed if they think it’s a wink.

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