Saturday, September 22, 2007

Christian Theater Group Mad at Kathy Griffin

In Pigeon Forge Tenn. Members of a Christian theater troupe spent over $90,000 for a full page ad in USA Today (yes the shitty readers digest of newpapers that you toss out at your hotels) proclaiming “enough is enough”. As reported on our podcast, in accepting the Emmy for her reality show she said “I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus." "This award is my god now!" Do people really have nothing better to spend their money on? Think of the hungry people they could have feed in the name of Jesus like the Christian’s they say they are. The article also stated “Although others may choose to use their national platform to slander our God, we are honored as professional entertainers to stand for Christ." When did it become their God to say what he minds and what he wants? Don’t they know that Jesus was gay? Look at the dress he wore.

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