Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drunk Driving, D.C. Pilice Shoots Transgender

This could only happen in D.C. where closeted Republicans fuck their male pages and police shoot people for throwing snowballs, ahh your tax dollars at work. An off duty police officer was arrested Friday for driving while intoxicated and firing his weapon at a group of transgender people. According to police, the off-duty officer became involved in a verbal confrontation with five individuals that led to the shooting. There was also a collision involved, though officials were not sure at what point it occurred.

The Washington Post reports that police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump identified the officer as Kenneth Furr.

One person was hit by the officer’s bullets, sustaining non–life-threatening injuries. Two others were hurt as well, but police say they are still investigating the cause of those injuries.

Though Bill Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, said authorities were determining whether further charges will be filed, police say there is no evidence at this time that the incident was bias-related.

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