Monday, January 5, 2009


Pierre Fitch get's "creative" with his new hairdo.

Perhaps he could put some of that creativity into his blog now. If I read another entry about going about to the bank or grocery shopping, I'm going to throw myself off a bridge.

Something tells my Paulie will have an opinion on this.


Paulie said...

I have to agree with T.R. WTF!!!! I looks like one of the Mazes that you try to follow to get away from. One of the questions that I get most is who is my favorite porn stat that I have meet and I have to say it is not Fitch. I met Fitch and interviewed him in Montreal and found him kinda obnoxious and rude. Even suggested that it might that he was a little immature for his age. Whatever the reason was, I hope this “hair-don’t” grows out even.

Paulie said...
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