Friday, January 25, 2008

Correction on Joanh Falcon and his 13” Cock

Ok… I’m the first to admit when I make a mistake and thank to same great readers/listeners who have some “inside” information. Joanh is not from the UK as the press release said, but from New York (he does have a 13” cock that apparently he love to show off). Here are copies of the 2 comments they left.

1 "Paulie,
Jonah Falcon lives here in NY, not the UK and is notBritish. He has some sort of lame cable TV show about the NY Yankees and has gone around NY for years saying he's an actor and writer in one breath and talking about his big dick in the next. If you Google his name you'll find tons about him - most not good. He tried to pick me up years ago when he looked semi-cute but now..... He even has a Wikipedia page!!!: Jonah was born in Brooklyn, New York, and attended school at Bronx High School of Science, graduating in 1988. He has identified himself as bisexual"

2 "Have to say, Jonah isn't from the UK.He lives in New York with his mom, has some awkward social habits, we dated for a time (yes I'm a guy). One on One he's the coolest guy to be with, he's a little hung up on his penis. claims to hate the attention but will show it to you at the drop of a hat. I had such a thing for him when we dated...he has really nice eyes... you can't tell from the picture you have here... but there's LOTS of negative talk about him if you do a search for his name. But yah he's been around, my friends hate him LOL... if he'd stop talking/showing off his penis he and I would still be dating today. "

Thanks to both guys for the correct story, but now can you tell me whats up with the silver pants :) ?

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