Monday, January 28, 2008

AZ Gov. Turns Down $1 mil for Abstinence Only Ed

Janet Napolitano the Arizona Governor has turned down $1 million in federal funding from the Bush administrations abstinence only education “because the programs don’t work.” Arizona is the 16th state to reject the federal money because studies have shown that abstinence only efforts have very little positive impact. More comprehensive sex education programs that teach reducing the frequency of sex and the number of partners and increasing condom use are having “positive outcomes”.

Since 1996 over a half a billion our tax dollars have been spent on abstinence only programs that in independent study from Society for Adolescent Medicine has called “scientifically and ethically flawed”

When the report's authors looked specifically and LGBT teens they found that abstinence-only education was "unlikely to meet the health needs" of the group because abstinence-only programs focus heavily on no sex until marriage and ignore homosexuality. This could lead to increased risk of infection among these youngsters, the investigators said.

Seems like another great example of “church leading the state” rather than the separation of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

16 states wouldn't be turning away a million bucks if they thought abstinence only education works. They don't have a premarital sex agenda. It just doesn't work.