Sunday, July 15, 2007

Video Reviews from GPT#110

Do you remember on Sesame Street when they would sing that jingle: 'One of these things, is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong'? (Excuse me in advance if your too old, too young, or too foreign for Sesame Street; just sit quietly and follow along) Sometimes, I like to review pairs of movies that have themes, like, European flicks, matching words in the titles, guys with huge dicks, etc. Other times, I will just pick them up at random. In this case, except for the fact that they're both gay porn (kind of a necessity, given the name of the porncast), they are as different, as different can be.

First movie is Stone Age, from Eon Films, which I think is Eddie Stone's directorial debut. He stars, directs, gets fucked, the whole ball of wax. I gave it three splats and I think it is a good first effort. Mr. Stone had some help with the directing from Rocky Brown, but we can already see some signature elements, that we would expect to see again. Does have a little tendency to 'mug' for the camera, but if your as attractive as Eddie Stone, that's not such a bad thing. In the first scene, Cole Ryan continues his his streak of getting me hard fast; your mileage may vary, but I look forward to all of his scenes. Eddie Stone is paired Trey Casteel in scene two and with 'the love of his life' (at least for this movie) Jesse Santana in the last scene. Great chemistry between the two. I also liked Tory Mason in scene three, but I think I liked him better in 'The Road To Redneck Hallow' and 'Big Boat' where he was a little more ripped, like a hot boy carved out of twink marble. What more can I say: Go get Stone!

Second movie, unrelated, was 'Striptease,' originally released by All Worlds in 1996. (My, how time flies!) There are a lot of actors/models/dudes in this one, where this is one of their few porn roles. Some did this and 'First Timers DC' so this may be you only opportunity. The plot, not that there's much, is that Doug Jeffries and Jay Anthony are in town (DC) to see the sights, see the AIDS Quilt on the Mall and have sex in their hotel room. Doug wants to go to Wet and Jay is more reticent. They wind up going separately and are promptly striped after they venture inside. (Was always happening to me, not!) Lots of sex on the bars and the stages and in the men's room and in the hallways. As a side note, Wet, the bar, is gone from DC; demolished to make way for a baseball stadium in DC. Wait, I have an idea: how about a reunion! Doug Jeffries, who is mostly a director these days could film it and it might even have a baseball theme! Little Big League 7: A Return to the Wet Showers. If anyone wants to take it and run with it (wink, Mr. Jeffries) only a small attribution at the end is necessary! Oh, and I gave striptease three splats. Buy it and watch it with a stripper that you love (or at least paid for).

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