Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ex-Porn Star Jake Genesis “Public Scandal: Public Apology" Attacks Gay Porn

Jake Genesis, who has done over 13 films since starting porn last year, and worked for the biggest studios from Kristen Bjorn to Raging Stallion, has written a letter "Public Scandal: Public Apology" that denounces Gay Porn. He also deactivated his Twitter, Facebook and his Pay Per View Website.
Looks like Jake has found "God" again and has become Pious and judgmental, just like a good Catholic should be. One has to wonder if all the money he made from doing Evil Porn and opening his own Pay Per View porn site will be donated to charity.

The letter starts off kind of nice, "A little less than a year ago, I began a short but intense career in the adult entertainment industry. There were lots of factors that lead me to that place at that time. Many of those factors I am only now beginning to understand. What is undeniable is that, despite the factors which contributed to that decision, that decision was my decision and I am responsible for having made it. I am responsible for the effects and consequences of my actions. I was not forced, coerced, or tricked into doing pornography. I was not economically destitute or without other options. I had low self-esteem, I was depressed, I felt I had nothing to lose and I did not fear or care about the consequences of my actions. My choice was arrogant and it was selfish. I hurt people as a result of the choice that I made"

But then turns into a very ugly attack on the porn industry and the people who support it - "Pornography does violence to human spirit and, in its effort to display human sexuality openly, pornography perverts it. Pornography destroys families and relationships and lives. Far from being a victimless act, pornography victimizes every single human being involved. The victims of the adult entertainment industry are those who consume pornography and their families but also those involved in the production of pornography and, especially the models or actors."

"100% of the actors in pornography are victims to varying degrees. The very young, the economically destitute, and the uneducated are victimized to a higher degree than men like me who made a more conscious choice, but everyone is harmed deeply by the experience and no one escapes the knife that cuts deeply the innate dignity of the human person."

Just plain silliness, A producer's response to the victimization argument: Gay porn producers do not 'use' models. We do not take advantage of models. There are a few who do - there are bad people in ANY industry - but those people are not the norm. There's an untold story in porn, because it's not glamorous or headline-worthy: It's the story of guys who want to make some money, fully understand the consequences of performing in adult movies (specifically the doors it closes in the future), do so anyways, and are better-off for it. I've seen many porn stars, of many ages, that can claim this story, more or less. Porn stars who are using the money to put themselves through school, porn stars who now live in safer neighborhoods because their disposable income has increased, etc. I agree that being in porn can close doors, and people with certain ambitions should not perform in porn for that reason. But, for many performers, their careers in pornography is not at odds with their ambitions. There are many, many doors that remain open for a porn star after they've retired from porn.

JAKE GENESIS brought to you by PornHub

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